We are passionately committed to our clients and their cases and pride ourselves on the quality of service that we provide.
We know that clients want a real sense of control. We work hard to ensure that clients are fully informed about the relevant law, the criminal process and the choices they have. Where clients want to engage with the detail of a case we treat them as key members of the team.
We are acutely aware of the sense of powerlessness and loneliness that is felt by people held in custody. Such cases are high priority and always receive our urgent attention.
We recognise that many people feel dissatisfied with the service they receive from lawyers when their cases are funded by the legal aid scheme. Where asked to act on a private basis we are always prepared to discuss our fees and will work with the client to keep the costs within a reasonable range.
We can also provide tailored services coaching and advising clients on running their own matters, or even sub-contract work back to clients where this will be cost-effective.
If you are a foreigner accused of crimes in Italy or detained in Italy ask with confidence ILC & Associates. We speak excellent English.
Feel free to call us today whereby we can discuss with you your individual case and your requirements: contact our Client Relations Team on +44 (0) 20 70388599 (+39 091 6162771 from outside of the UK) and we will immediately put you in touch with a lawyer for a free initial assessment of your case.
If you require further information or assistance, please complete the on-line enquiry form here or email us at: ilc@ilclawyers.com.
Please note that ILC&Associates provide legal services in this matter only before Italian Courts.